

In an unexpected turn of events, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Governor Whitmer did not have the authority to extend emergency orders past April 30. In the wake of the court’s decision some counties began issuing their own local emergency orders to help control the spread of coronavirus, including Ingham, Oakland, St.

This week our update on COVID-19 is taking a back seat. Not because we believe COVID-19 is miraculously gone or that it’s not as important as before. It’s that we know something else is infinitely MORE important — social justice and taking a stand against racism. Before we made a public statement, we felt it

On June 10 the UP and most of Northern Michigan (Regions 6 & 8) moved to Phase 5 (Containing) of the MI Safe Start Plan, allowing even more businesses to open and larger social gatherings – up to 250 people in outside areas. If the percentage of new cases continues to decline, the rest of

In an encouraging move on Monday, Governor Whitmer moved the entire state to Phase 4 (Improving) of the MI Safe Start Plan and rescinded the Safer At Home order. In the next few days, retailers and restaurants can open (with capacity guidelines) and we can gather in groups of 100 or less – provided it’s

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