As we started out in 1982, our goal was to provide a quality service for a fair price. We’ve evolved along the way, but that goal still stands today.
In the beginning
In 1982, Jay Gillotte started a business called Presort Services, Inc. whose sole service was picking up and presorting mail for Grand Rapids area businesses. Essentially, we became an extension of the USPS, and by presorting mail before delivering it to one of their main branches, we earned discounts on postage. And we passed those savings on to our customers.

The evolution begins
In 1984 Presort Service, Inc. joined the National Association of Presort Mailers; and in 1986 we opened a second facility in Lansing. Realizing we could help our clients more by offering printing services, Presort purchased commercial-grade printers and began offering marketing mail and statement mail services. Not surprisingly, the USPS was evolving as well; and in 1990 we purchased our first MLOCR — serial number 006 — to keep up with advancements in postal technology.

Our evolution didn’t stop there
Next we began helping clients design effective, attention-grabbing mail pieces. Drawing on years of USPS knowledge, we avoided additional postage fees by ensuring the pieces conformed with USPS requirements. And in 2008 we purchased our first color printer – again expanding our toolkit of services for our customers.
Fast forward to 2014. It was clear that the name Presort Services, Inc. didn’t really tell the whole story. So we rebranded and changed our name to Extend Your Reach. On top of that, in 2015 we won the USPS Mail Technology Award for a campaign that creatively combined direct mail and digital marketing — improving our client’s response rate by 600%.
Today, Extend Your Reach continues to evolve in new and sometimes subtle ways. We’ve added more services along the way, including disaster recovery, web development, and a full array of creative services. But one thing has always remained the same — the goal of providing a quality product for a fair price.

Traditional, with a twist
EYR prides itself on going above and beyond for our customers. Adding that little something extra. We dare to think differently because looking at something from a different perspective can lead to innovation. Here’s how we live the brand of Traditional with a Twist.
Statement Processing
Rather than forcing your data to fit a template statement, we offer custom-designed and programmed statements that fit your data … and your brand.
Disaster Recovery
We don’t just say we’ll have your back when you’re experiencing production problems. We prove it with semi-annual standby testing.
Mail Services
We’ll take pre-production samples directly to the source and have the USPS ensure your mail pieces conform to the latest standards. Now that’s service!
Creative Services
We take the time to really learn about your brand, the goals of the project, and your audience. Then we look at the end product from their point of view.
Web Development
At EYR, we bring our creative team in on every web development project. Programmers rock at coding. Creatives excel at communication and engagement.
Inspiring Thought & Action
Today the world is filled with messages created for segments or audiences rather than humans. Organizations use “corporate speak” rather than speaking directly to their customers. That fact is exactly what drives our mission and vision.
What it really means is that our top priority is to help organizations like yours change the way you think about communicating with your audience. To build real, human connections with your audience — using a more meaningful, one-to-one message to inspire your audience to allow your brand into their lives.