
Personalize Your Mail with VDP

Personalized mail not only helps build customer loyalty, but typically outperforms its generic counterparts. Traditional methods of personalizing mail still work today. Addressing a recipient by name makes a better impression than simply referring to someone as “friend” or “current resident.” Likewise, you’ll score points by handwriting addresses, signing letters in blue ink and using an actual stamp. But why stop there?

Thanks to variable data printing (VDP), you no longer need to send every target the same printed piece. Instead, you can keep some elements of your campaign consistent while customizing others, like the offer and graphics. You also can use the technology to greet your targets by name. With VDP, you have so many ways to make a customer feel as if you’re marketing to him or her alone  Among them, you can:

  • Embed a target’s name in the actual creative of the piece
  • Send a birthday card with a coupon
  • Mail a sales letter with product recommendations based on a person’s purchase history

To keep the one-on-one conversation rolling online, consider including a personalized URL (PURL) on your mailer. These websites are generated for each individual target, so you can create highly relevant content and easily track your respondent’s activity. Of course, you’ll need to have a lot of accurate data about your audience to take advantage of today’s newest personalization technologies.

Some of this information could include:

  • purchase history
  • geographic location
  • age
  • gender
  • home value
  • household income
  • family size
  • business title

Rather than referencing everything you know about a person, include just enough to strengthen your relationship and increase your chances of driving a response. You’ll be rewarded when you show customers you value them individually and understand their needs and interests.

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